Dear Channel 7,
Seeing as how I went to all the trouble of investing in a set top box (pdf)so I could watch digital television on my widescreen TV would it hurt you to actually broadcast any of your major sporting events in widescreen? No, the Rugby World Cup didn’t count ’cause that was Rugby and that never counts.
Yours sincerely
Anthony Malloy
I should have corrected my post about Canucks’ games on Foxtel, I have not seen one as yet in the past few weeks I’ve been watching ice hockey (which is on at wierd times would you believe!!!, not as popular as their favourite sports, the advertiser-friendly golf, motorsport and rugby league, they should get separate channels on their own (as they do in NZ with rugby and in the US with the Golf Channel and Speed) to free up Fox Sports to show more deserving and more interesting sports such as ice hockey). Today at 1.30pm they showed Philadelphia vs Washington.
Face it Tony, there’s just not enough widescreen digital content being broadcast at the moment.
Give up.
Give the TV to me instead. I’ll take care of it for you.
if they do start broadcasting the Canucks game, in any format, and with Mr Murdoch also owning Direct TV it may be an option, I may never leave the house again.
The ABC recently telecast the Hopman Cup (Perth’s international tennis tournament) in Widescreen Digital. Channel 10 telecasts AFL in Widescreen Digital. Strange that Seven screens crap such as “My Wife and Kids” and “Eight Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter” in Widescreen Digital and High Definition but not its biggest sporting event, the Australian Open. Let’s hope things improve before the 2004 Olympics in Athens! And by the way, can’t wait for Foxtel to go digital (announcement to be made Wednesday on details), we can see the Canucks’ games in Widescreen Digital!