First Breakfast

After the soul crushing, spirit destroying, humiliating, world ending game on Friday night the weekend picked up a little. A lot actually; Mum, Dad, Helen & Tom spent Saturday with us. It was odd to have a baby in the house and I learned that I have a lot to learn. Nappies, dear god, the horror.

It’s Mum’s birthday today and seeing as how they stayed over night we took her out to breakfast. Now Mum, I hope she won’t mind me saying, turns 65 today and this was the first time ever she had been taken out to breakfast. In the previous 23,741 mornings of her life she had never once hopped in the car and sat over a bacon & eggs while reading the paper. I’m happy to report she handled it like a pro.

Happy birthday Mum, hope there’s many more breakfasts out yet to come.

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