Bright Spot

Work, work, work. Dull, dull, dull. Bucket loads to do and the well of motivation is totally dry. Maybe it’s gone out in sympathy with the drought. Who knows.

There was a brief bright spot this morning though. Robin (the olfactory challenged office mate) and I set up a new video system for maternity recently. They used to show educational videos on an ad-hoc basis; basically when someone remembered they’d shove a video in and run around to each of the 30 rooms to let the patients know. Now it’s all computerised. Videos, stored on a PC, screen on the hour on a dedicated channel in the maternity ward. They also have the option to switch over to a VCR for special screenings if required.

Well it’s all been a great hit. Staff love it, patients love it and to say thanks we scored a big box of chocolates.

Ah, appreciation at work. What an odd feeling.

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