Night Time In Scotland

The Internet can still amaze me. With thanks to Nigel I found the site for the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre. The interesting part of this (apart from finding out that that Shirley Bassey is playing there 3 days after my birthday next year) is they have a web cam that you can control.

I spent my allocated minute and a half panning and zooming around only to discover that night time in Glasgow looks an awful lot like night time in Melbourne. Though I would like to know where the taxi that I saw was going.

One Reply to “Night Time In Scotland”

  1. I’ve just been to Glasgow, in some ways its a lot like melbourne during the day as well. The grid and the victorian buildings in the center and similar arcades. Also felt a bit like Melbourne, well, a lot colder with crap beer…actually maybe I’ve just been living in Amsterdam too long! The webcam is brilliant though!

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