Monday’s Look Back

Quick weekend round up.

The bbq works – it cooks sausages, hamburgers and onions. You can’t really ask much more from a barbie than that. As a matter of fact it worked so well on Saturday we decided to give it another whirl on Sunday. Of course it was made all the better with Saturday and Sunday being the hottest start to Spring since records started – a nice and warm 24 and 28.

Unfortunately we were cheated out of most of Sunday by the return of our arch nemeses(es/ees for the Buffy fans) – The Rooster From Hell is back. To fully appreciate the Satanic proportions of this beast you must know it had been fairly quiet for the past week, indeed since the second complaint to the council there had not even been a cluck before three in the afternoon. After a late night Saturday, that involved creeping in to bed some time after midnight, the Crower From The Underworld let fly at 5.45 Sunday morning. Of course our sleep was totally gone then and we spent most of Sunday impersonating lobotomised zombies.

We are stuck in some what of a quandary as to what to do next. Training Thomas to become a rooster killing machine is one idea, although the thought of making mock roosters for the training program and cleaning up the feathery mess is uninviting. Investing in some form of explosive throwing armament to take out the rooster, his concubines and half their backyard is another. Going to knock on their door, thereby waking all twenty of their children, whenever he lets fly is gaining popularity. At the very least the council will be getting a call everyday it crows and a letter is in the mail today.

Had a wonderful night Saturday night when Rae, Rob, Marita and I went to see Deborah Conway. It was a greatest hits concert – fantastic music for two and a bit hours. Highlight of the night came before the concert though when a photographer from The Age snapped a photo for their ‘whats on about town’ section. Well it could have been a highlight (a) had I not been in the toilet at the time and missed being in the photo and (b) had they published the photo. Poor Rob, Marita and Rae were ditched in favour of Kath and Kim.

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