By The Time The Cock Crows Thrice

Picture the scene, a wonderful evening at friends the night before. Late night, a bottle of red each. Stumble home to bed and crawl under the doona for a precious six hours of sleep before rising for work.

All is going well in the land of nod when, for the first time ever, a rooster has appeared in the neighbourhood. At first I thought it may be Thomas doing rooster impersonations (he is a clever cat). Rae had the slightly more lucid thought that it was Phoebe, but she was sleeping at Nana’s. Three times it crowed and there was no sleep after that. Six hours was reduced to five and my headache didn’t go away.

We think it may be next door – the home of the magically appearing cat on heat. If they pluck a moo-ing cow out of their hat next, war will be declared.

One Reply to “By The Time The Cock Crows Thrice”

  1. I am staking out the joint with the digital video camera from work. Let’s hear you crow now!
    Sorry…. Cannot think straight, with lack of sleep and all…. But I AM heading a covert operation with camera and all!

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