
It’s Saturday – but that’s not a great thing. Last night my beloved Tiger’s were massacred by the damn Magpies at the MCG. That’s 8 losses in a row and this one really hurt. Our first quarter was fantastic – we played all over them. Then came the rest of the match. You can’t win when you’re outscored 13-3 goals over three quarters. This from a team that was one game out the finals last year. It seems only a miracle will save us from sparing Carlton their first wooden spoon. Six more depressing games to go.

This morning Rae and I went hunting for a model. Eventually found a hobby shop out in the sticks and now I’ve got a little project that will keep me happy for a month or so. Starting off easy with a basic model, then back into the more complex type of choppers. It’ll be good for me to practice my patience as long term projects have never been my strong point.

Also tackled JB HiFi to spend my birthday voucher. Walked out with the Special Edition DVD of ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid‘ (takes care of what we’ll be doing tonight) and a fantastic import – The The’s ‘45 RPM‘. I’ve got it playing now and had forgotten how much I love his music.

So now it’s raining outside, Rae and Phee are out, music is blaring and if I didn’t have to go and do some house work I’d be very content.

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