
Sturday What A Day

Things are looking good today. Rae has had her first inspection by a prospective tenant. His name was Walter (which is the name of Rae’s car) so as far as omens go that’s as good as any. It’d be such a relief if Rae didn’t have to pay another months rent – that would be the perfect situation. I’ve cleared work out of boxes so we can get that moving. Two houses into one is going to take a lot more cardboard than I originally thought. I love work – they get lots of drugs and delicate equipment delivered so all the boxes are incredibly sturdy. The recycling dept keeps the best boxes for staff who are moving.

Footy last night was fantastic, I think Mum and Dad had a really good time. Pity the game was so one sided, but them’s the breaks when you have a team of 18 year olds vs the thugs from Collingwood. Showed them the new place this morning and all seemed suitably impressed. Such a glorious weekend, can tell we will move in next weekend and it’ll rain non stop for three months. Ah well, at least we have the footy and DVD to fall back on.

Have to get moving here now – so much to do and only one week. Yikes. Hockey tonight as a relax so I’ll be looking forward to seeing how my new adopted team goes.

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