One of those days. Well,

One of those days.

Well, looking back on it I guess today was one of those turning point days. Rae and I are applying for a house together. Suprise if you’re not Rae! Saw it this afternoon. I love it, think it may be a bit more modern than Rae was anticipating but it’s something we can make our own. Study for me, room for Phee, big kitchen, lot’s of light and two parks literaly at our front and back door. Sunny spots for Thomas, cable TV in the street. Pretty much all we were wanting. I’ll fax the applications tomorrow and then it’s all fingers crossed.

Told Veronica this evening and she was really happy for the both of us. What a gal. She’s looking at buying a place and Steve was wondering if I would move in with her, which I would in a second if Rae and I weren’t looking.

Also have volunteered to help with a web site for Melbourne Ice, Melbourne’s new ice hockey team. Hopefully they’ll take me up on it – it’d be great to get involved in a sporting club somehow, especially in a sport I love. Law and Order on now – gotta go.

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