New Look

Here we go, a new look – am going to work up more pages on things I like. It’ll give me a chance to practice writing, something I haven’t done in many years.


I read an online diary of this guy who lives in Melbourne, have done so for several years. This morning he mentions he’s been here and links to my site. I sent him a note saying I got a kick out of it and this is the reply.

“Small world isn’t it!

I thought the site was really good as it happens… found the bit
describing how to get to the consulting suite I needed to be at! Very
handy, well done!”

My life is complete – I know it’s been used at least once.

Frustration Grrrrrrrr.

Grrrrrrrr. Am trying to set up a new blog system but the hosting company is not answering my emails. Very annoying. At least today is Friday for me – makes things a lot more tolerable.


Had a wonderful birthday. Rae (hereby known as The Most Wonderful Woman In The World) spoiled me rotten. She found me a 100 year old map of Canada. What an amazing woman. It’s so precious I don’t want to handle it – just want it framed ASAP. Then there was the complete set of Fawlty Towers on DVD. I can’t believe what a lucky boy I am. We had dinner out with her Stinky, Zita, Rob and Marita too – a lovely evening.

Panic Over

Panic Over

They called, poor mum has the flu. She told me she went into labor about 8.30pm and I was born about 11.10. Guess that means I’m still 31.



9.00 am and no phone call from Mum and Dad. Most unusual.

Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday To Me

32. Yikes. Rae said I’m not getting old, that you are only old when you reach….and then we realised dad is 80 and he isn’t old so we’ve decided there is no official marking off point.

Phee ‘helped’ open my presents this morning. By ‘helped’ I mean opened – she was so cute. Luckily I have matured a little, although the wait to see was killing me! Phee gave me a great Richmond glass, for all the beer that I drink. Goes back a way to once when we were all at the footy and Rae and I had a beer. Phee turns to me and says ‘Tony, why are you always drinking beer?’. I’m such an alcoholic; those two or three a week must really be doing me damage. Anyways the glass matches the wonderful Tigers tie that Rae gave me. I’ve already had one comment on it today – and I’ve only been at work half an hour.

I’ve also turfed my wallet in this time and replaced it with Mum and Dad’s present. It’s odd how you get attached to wallets – this last one even went overseas with me. Anyway the new one is all done, cards nicely arranged. All it will take is to earn some money to put in it and then to get it all nice and soft. Wallets take about a month or so to break in properly so you just have to be patient. Looking back I’m a bit worried that I have so many thoughts on wallets, I’m sure this can’t be natural.

Strange Love

Strange Love

I think I’m in love with my barber. Man, it is just the best experience having your hair cut at his place. Today I counted – no less than 4 lotions were applied in a quick and simple short back and sides. The guy is a legend. We got to talking about my work and now my card is in his window! Not that that many people wandering along Vernon St will ever want a web site, but it’s there none the less. If only you could smell how good my head smells now!



This week I should start work on a web site entitled ‘Tackling Bowel Cancer’. The thing that worries me most is they are going to have a logo. The mind boggles…