I Love George Foreman

I love George Foreman, for without him we would not have the wonder that is the
George Foreman Jumbo Size Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine
. I’ve lusted after one of these beauties for many years (I wonder if I beat Jim?) and this Christmas I hit the jackpot. It was even better than I hoped. I may start another blog just so I can rave how much I love my
George Foreman Jumbo Size Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine
. Go and buy one now.

Christmas has also brought with it a possessed singing bear for Phee (that will probably be ‘lost’ tonight) and many DVD”s to while away the holidays. For the first time in my life it did not bring a book. Not to worry – I’m going to grab the book I gave Dad as soon as he’s finished. My descent into musical madness continues too, I’m listening to The Best of Tom Jones and loving every second. Maybe I should be playing Pet Shop Boys to bring me a couple of decades closer to being up to date.

Everybody now “dum, da, dum, dum, da, dum, it’s not unusual…”

Santa’s Sleigh Cleared

I don’t know why but this story makes me smile every year.

Santa cleared to fly over Australia
20 December 2002

SANTA has been given the all-clear for Australian airspace on Christmas Eve.

Transport Minister John Anderson said Santa had been fully briefed about changes in the national airspace system since his flight last Christmas.

And it appears Rudolph the reindeer will lead Santa this year, in a bid to comply with aviation lighting rules.

“I am pleased to confirm that Santa will be able to operate in Australian airspace as normal,” Mr Anderson said in a statement.

“However, the briefing was complicated by a disagreement about the navigation lights carried by the sleigh.”

Mr Anderson said civil aviation regulations require all aircraft to carry red, green and white navigation lights.

But Santa’s elves had complained the lights would distract the reindeer.

“One of the reindeer, Rudolph, has a very shiny nose,” he said.

“The Civil Aviation Safety Authority has therefore directed that Rudolph must lead the sleigh on Christmas Eve.”

Mr Anderson said as there had never been a complaint about low-flying sleighs and reindeer, Santa had been cleared to operate through the Adelaide, Coolangatta and Sydney airport curfew hours.


The Boy

For those following the Thomas saga it’s all good news. He’s home now and the only signs of his grand misadventure are a bit of wire sticking out of his jaw, wide pupils and a shaved chin.

He’s made an amazing recovery for a cat hit by a car and is incredibly grumpy at not being allowed outside. Out calculations are he has 8.5 lives left and he’ll be sent out to work to pay off our Visa bills as soon as is felinely possible.

Another One Down Update

Further to One Down.

Overnight there have been big improvements. He’s seeing, but not well. He’s walking around so it appears the pelvic bones and urinary tract are both fine. They hope to do a quick general anaesthetic today to rewire his jaw – he was trying to eat through it this morning. Atta boy.

Last night was just weird. Rae and I were hearing phantom bells and there was no boy to greet us this morning, or for Phee to harass. We’ll tell Phee tonight and take her to see him tomorrow.

Further to ‘One Down

Scroll down and read ‘One Down‘ first.

He’s doing okay. Looks like there’s no trouble with the urinary tract, he’s up and about a little but still not seeing properly (which we think means he is seeing a little). We’re doing a list of questions to ask when we call back tonight.

We’re both so relieved. Fingers are still crossed.

An Observation

Guys with blonde hair and big smiles who drive silver convertibles always look as though they’re over compensating.
