I Know Nothing

Completely unofficially officially I’ve just found out that I’m out of this hell hole. Yep, after 5 years of being stuck at the end of a maze in a windowless basement room that no one can find, I’m moving!

I’ll still be in the basement but I will have a window. A window that faces on to the outside world. I will be able to see the sun. I don’t know when it will be, because of course I don’t know it’s happening as yet, but I’m counting down the seconds already. Happy day.


It’s official! I’m moving back to the room where I was first interviewed 11 and half years ago.

Preparing The Beachead

I’m preparing the Aussie beachead for the invasion of British Sea Power. Yep, thanks to BBC 6 Music, I’ve found a band I really want to listen to. Only problem is their CD isn’t available in Australia so it’s off to Ebay to pick up a copy.

They have some songs to download (see Childhood Memories and The Lonely), so if you can imagine Joy Division crossed with Badly Drawn Boy and Morrissey you’ll love ’em. To give you a taste of their style their debut album is entitled ‘The Decline of British Sea Power’ (buy at amazon | buy at amazon UK).

Don’t Mess With Us

Or this is what the result can look like :


That’s what Mr-I’m-18-And-Indestructible did to his car, his second round of damage in a fortnight. No insurance either.

(Check below if you have no idea what I’m on about)


Just to prove that there are limitations to a computer’s guessing ability.

I was looking at the Pet Shop Boys album Disco 3 on Amazon today when one of their ‘I can guess what you want’ ads caught my eye.

Customers interested in Pet Shop Boys may also be interested in:

Pet Shops
Yellow Pages – Australia wide list Search by state, city & suburb

It’s cool that it realises I’m in Aus but I’m not sure there’s that much of a connection between chair dancing to one of your favourite bands and buying a dog. Then again it may be clever than I thought.