
I was in the kitchen the other day when one of the Rita’s was making toast for the kids. She finished buttering it and said “there you go, nice and melty”.

I had an instant flashback to hearing mum say the toast was nice and melty. I’d always thought that was just a Malloy word for nice light toast smothered in butter so it was quite a surprise but now I want to know, does anyone else love their toast melty?

Malloy Taxi Inc

Well, it’s started now. We’ve opened our taxi service as Phee has a job and it’s in a spot that she has to be driven to. I dropped her off tonight and watched a very nervous young lady walk through the doors. It also caused me to remember all those late nights Dad drove from one end of Shepp to the other (in Shepp terms, a long way) to pick me up from my job at Maccas. Every now and then I could say thanks with a cold apple pie but most nights it was just ‘thanks Dad’ and off to bed.

Crowded House, Recurring Dream

Here’s another one to add to the Plane Crashing But Not Really and the I Haven’t Prepared For This Exam roster of recurring dreams.

In this one we’re living in our house but Rae decides we have to move. Her reasons are always valid, mine come down to ‘but I like it here’ and so we move. However we always seem to move in to a pokey little flat  that overlooks some kind of field, always on an upper story, and all I want to do is move back to our house but I can’t because we sold it to rent this flat.

So, what on earth is that one about?

Where There’s A Will, What’s The Way?

Before committing to some serious financial restructuring we really must get around to having wills drawn up. As Ren rightly pointed out it’s not just about who gets the kids (we’re taking offers…) but there really isn’t too much complexity in what we need to address.

We’d love to know what you have done. Have you used kits, completed a will online or sort professional assistance? Any tips, trick or potential pitfalls to watch out for?

Bye Bye BBQs

A quick cruise around the neighbourhood streets today shows that people are still updating their televisions and computer monitors. After last year’s hard garbage collection, where it seemed every second house had ditched their CRT, I was amazed to count the number of CRTs put out this year. A lot of them were really large models so maybe those who had invested in big screens held on to them that little bit longer. One house up the street had disposed of three televisions and three computer monitors.

What surprised me most though was the number of barbecues out for collection. Most were of the flat four burner variety so maybe after updating the telly people have been updating their barbie. I wonder what it will be next year?

2011-08-15 17.16.37

I wonder what size they upgraded to…

Now He Is Six (And I Am Confused)

I can’t believe how quickly time has zoomed by. Bert is now six. He had his first Macca’s party on the weekend, school friends and all.

I feel old, and not because Bert is six but because I was completely lost when I went to buy his present last week. He’s been after some Beyblade’s for a while now so I went to Target to pick one up. I found the shelf and stood there looking at the most bewildering array of completely indecipherable packaging. I was tempted to ask a mum wandering by if I could borrow her son for a while to explain what on earth everything was. In the end I think I figured out he’d need one of them and one of them would be good too. I can’t believe I’ve reached the age where kids toys confuse me. Shoot me now.

Here’s the birthday boy, on his big day, with his brother and sisters. Happy birthday Bert.


No Longer Me

I had to have a quick chat with Bert’s teacher this morning so we left the school a little after the bell rang. There were a couple of late comers hurrying up the path and as we were walking down the main steps a young boy started his way up. He looked up, smiled and said “Hello Albert’s Dad.” before running off to class. As far as I know I’ve never seen him before, even the twins (who seem to know everyone in Prep) didn’t know who he was. Made me smile.