I can’t believe how quickly time has zoomed by. Bert is now six. He had his first Macca’s party on the weekend, school friends and all.
I feel old, and not because Bert is six but because I was completely lost when I went to buy his present last week. He’s been after some Beyblade’s for a while now so I went to Target to pick one up. I found the shelf and stood there looking at the most bewildering array of completely indecipherable packaging. I was tempted to ask a mum wandering by if I could borrow her son for a while to explain what on earth everything was. In the end I think I figured out he’d need one of them and one of them would be good too. I can’t believe I’ve reached the age where kids toys confuse me. Shoot me now.
Here’s the birthday boy, on his big day, with his brother and sisters. Happy birthday Bert.