Ring Ring

My mate Mark is living in America now. I didn’t realise just how much I am missing him until he called today – yep, a half hour chat from Ashburn VA. Gee it was good to hear from him, especially as work picked up the tab when they forwarded his call.

Another Good Thing

I went to see Trish yesterday and her beautiful new baby, Candice. I could go on and on about how beautiful she is but just look at the picture. Perfect.

Trish and Candice

The Week

It’s been a rough week but this has made me smile.

I first noticed the shoe when it was just in front of the car you can see. In three days it has made its way about fifty metres down the road. There’s been no rain to help it sail down the gutter so I wonder how it made it here – and across the cross road.

The Shoe

I Spy Someone Beginning With Me

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, many things are happening that are taking me away from the computer and in to the real world – and it’s not always a happy place to be.

Today I did reconnect my webcam so if I’m on-line at home you should be able to see a picture of me staring at my PC. Don’t worry, the odds are slim as I’m generally only here for an hour or so each day and most of you are probably asleep at these times.

They Can’t Do This To Me

His covers have changed! It was the first thing I noticed (obviously) when I opened the package – the cover was not the normal striking black and white graphic. Now I discover they have redesigned the cover of every book. How can they do this? Now I have to purchase each one over again.

Why Iain, why?

Ice Time!

Footy has been gone for three weeks so now it’s time to switch to my summer sport – Ice Hockey! I caught the addiction a few years ago when I was in Canada and now my summer months are spent hunched over PC’s listening to my beloved Canucks over the net. Best thing is the games are in the middle of the day here so I can listen at work and on the weekends I pump up the PC speakers at home.

This year Foxtel has picked up ESPN so I can watch games too – hockey heaven. Go Nucks!

Kate Update

Way back when (June 28) my sister Kate lost her job. Well, today she found another one, and it wasn’t stuck behind a cushion or on top of the fridge. Nope, it’s at Furphys – a Shepparton institution and the origin of the slang term ‘furphy‘. 3 hours a day, 5 days a week – just perfect for her. I went to school with Sam Furhpy and a dad of one of my best friends from School worked there too.

Congratulations Kate – Furphy’s is lucky to have you.

Work Experience Maxi-Me

I had a young kid (can I say that at 32?) come and sit with me for a couple of hours this morning. He’s doing work experience at the hospital and the guys in IT had run out things for him to do so they fobbed him off on to me.

I am instantly suspicious of any 16 year old who is (a) taller than me and (b) has more facial hair. My suspicions were well founded. I sat him down with a copy of Dreamweaver and a brief intro. Instantly his fingers started flying, the mouse was whirling and hard drive purring. Two hours later he had a web page hosted on the net.

I want to keep my job so I sent him back to the boys and told him that there was no future in the Internet, go concentrate on hardware.

The Last Ever Rooster Post – Guaranteed

The Rooster has gone! In the second good news story for the day David from Hobsons Bay Local Laws Division called.

The Rooster has gone to a farm (and that’s not a euphemism – it really has gone to a farm).

The owner of my sadly missed cockadoodler apologised for taking so long but they wanted to make sure it went to a good home.

Who cares! It’s gone! We can sleep!

In honour of our recently departed Chicken Pimp we are having chook stir fry tonight.