
Went shopping this morning for my wedding outfit. All went surprisingly well and I think I’ve got a cool looking combination for the day, even if my Mastercard has a decided dent in it. This getting married thing, even when done on the cheap, is an expensive business.

Nearly everything is in place now with only a couple of meetings to go.

The Celebrant meeting will go something like this –

“What’s the absolute minimum we have to say? Good, that’s it then.” so hopefully that won’t take too long.

The venue conversation will go something like this –

“You say you can make it look nice? Good. See you on the day.”

And once that’s taken care of we’re pretty much done.

3 Replies to “Ouch”

  1. Wow! Can you say congratulations to Raelene for me. I haven’t spoken to her in a couple of years. Wish her all the best for me and I hope all works out well.

    Denise (Shane’s mum – mother’s group)

    PS: By the way, cute baby. Phoebe is gorgeous, she has grown up soooo much.

  2. Nothing beat my dad’s second…err… third wedding. It was over, I kid you not, in seven minutes. Ten including the signing of all the paperwork. I believe he’s fourth wedding (to his second wife again) was even quicker.

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